November 15, 2019


Daniel Richard Haynes and Rosario Ilustrisino Anciano

Daniel and Rosario


“I would like to thank the Filipino Visa for helping us with processing our petition. This day is our day. My fiance and I are very happy. Finally, our dreams came true. To all the staff, thank you so much! God bless us all!”

-Daniel Richard Haynes and Rosario Ilustrisino Anciano
Approved K1 / September 2019




Clint Fadling and Maria Fe Mansuelo

Clint and Maria Fe


“I would like to thank Filipino Visa for helping me process our papers. My fiance and I are so happy, at last, our dreams came true. Thank you again Filipino Visa! God Bless you all!”

-Clint Fadling and Maria Fe Mansuelo
Approved K1 / September 2019




Stephen Rodgers and Queen Apphie Marie Lomongo

Stephen and Queen


“Hooray! Thank you, Lord! Many thanks to all the staff of Filipino Visa for helping me and my fiance all throughout the process. God Speed! ”

-Stephen Rodgers and Queen Apphie Marie Lomongo
Approved K1 / October 2019




Christopher Jarvi and Raechelle Parazo

Christopher and Raechelle


“Visa Approved! Thank you God and thank you to Filipino Visa for their patience in processing our visa application. They prepared me for the interview emotionally, mentally and physically. Thank you once again. More power!”

– Christopher Jarvi and Raechelle Parazo
Approved K1 / October 2019




Rhonda Michelle Macpherson and John Eric Ponseca

Rhonda and John Eric


“Thanks to the team for processing all our documents. Thank you again Filipino Visa. God bless and continue to support other Filipinos to make their dreams come true. ”

-Rhonda Michelle Macpherson and John Eric Ponseca
Approved K1 / October 2019




By Christian Filipina staff

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