
Christian Filipina Front Page

Established in 2009, Christian Filipina is an online social site helping men and women around the world find friends and partners for life. For more details, see our 2015 Christian Filipina Fact Sheet.

Why Use Christian Filipina?

Christian Filipina is the #1 most trusted website for good, honest Christian men who want to meet the love of their life.  Men and women choose our site because it is a friendly, conservative, and trustworthy place to easily meet friends online and safely get to know them.  For more details, review our June 12, 2012 Press Release on Online Security, research, site description, services description and FAQ .

Who Uses Christian Filipina?

Our members are mostly from the Philippines and English-speaking countries (the top three being United States, Canada, and Australia) although we also have members who are Filipinos and others living abroad in all countries of the world.

How Many People Meet on Christian Filipina and Live Happily Ever After?

We receive testimonials every day from our members who happily met others on our site. Read our testimonials section to meet some of them.

Who Makes up the Christian Filipina Team?

Christian Filipina Team consists of more than 20 people around world. This includes our Romance Consultants, our agile Support Staff and our super tech and marketing teams.


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