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33 Years Old, Female

USER ID: 2416469

Location: toronto, ontario, Canada

About Jennica

USER ID: 2416469

Location: toronto, ontario, Canada

being a potato someday🤣🤣🤣🤣😏 lookng for a serious one is hard to find but believng in god's perfect time i alwys have that.. i dont look for a negtve one im a postve person in all ways so if you are negtve just pray and think evrthings wll be okay.. playing with someones feelng are not good alwys put your shoes to ither so you know how they feel alwys dont play games because feelngs are important alwys thnk others dont be so selfish.. theres a lot of decving people now a days theres a lot of scammers now a days becareful and alwys feel ur stincts..😉


im not beautful as other women you should known in ur life but the only thing i can be proud of is to be a goodheart and women as my own ways. i dont care about the phiscal looks in years it change i know that im not pretty but i have a good heart that i can cherish alwys.. im alwys grateful in small thing even if its a problem i look alwys in a good way not to be stress i know god put or gve that trial because god knows i can handle it❤️🇨🇦 only god knows our fate and destny i dont stress my self lookng for a partner because if its meant and if its god will it will be. theres a lot of people decving others be a wise and feel it if you are both meant means god wants it.. smile and be happy be grateful in evry way🙏🏻find ur love is hard now a days some people are so deceivng but i dont stress wth that because i know that god works for me to find my otherhalf and why people meets? simple because its either you learnd wth that person or you teach that person evrthing has a reason evrthing look alwys in a postve ways evn the situation is bad and dont have a solution alwys be postve promse even that no solution god works for that and you solve evrthing by his grace..🙏🏻🙏🏻🇨🇦🍁 i hate games i hate make fun of me or other people im serious when itcomes to love i dont want someone playing wth my feelings i value people who can value me more😉

Additional Information

Prefers to Meet Age:
33 to 40 (Strict age limits: no)
Marital Status:
Associate degree graduate
Filipina / Filipino
Body Type:
5' 1" (155 cm)
Have children:
Yes - but not at home
Want children:
Preferred Bible Version:
Christian / Catholic
Willing to Relocate:
Member Since: October 20, 2022
Last logged in: Jan 31, 2023

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